Bold Fortune Early Access
Bold Fortune Returns
November 24, 2023
We’ve been fans of Jeremy Siers (and his beard) for a long time.
So, when we started working with Jeremy on creating a limited-edition Beardbrand Utility Oil fragrance in 2022, we wanted to get it exactly right.
Jeremy is resolute in his taste — he knows exactly what he likes and what he doesn’t. Good whiskey, fine cigars, and anything old, worn, and antique with a unique patina. Things of quality that only get better with time. We took those qualities and found the inspiration for Bold Fortune Utility Oil. The name is a play on the phrase “fortune favors the bold,” a personal favorite of Jeremy’s.
We launched Bold Fortune Utility Oil in November 2022, with a supply big enough to last for a few months. It instantly became the most popular and demanded fragrance in Beardbrand history. And then it sold out — in six weeks. Legendary.
This year, we’re bringing Bold Fortune back in Utility Wash and Utility Softener.
You’re not going to want to miss the newest Bold Fortune release. Sign up at the link below to get first-access.
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About the Fragrance
Bold Fortune es nuestra fragancia más suave hasta la fecha. El roble blanco carbonizado y el cuero añejo se combinan con toques de azafrán y oud para crear una mezcla de aromas de combustión lenta que perdura como el humo de un cigarro, deja un rastro como el whisky en el borde de un vaso y envejece casi tan bien como tú.
Notas primarias de Bold Fortune: Cuero, whisky, azafrán, oud y tabaco.
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