Michael Houghton

Who I Am.

Michael Houghton, former college and NFL football player. I’ve been lifting weights for many years, and I recently transitioned into Olympic style weightlifting. I just won the Masters National Championship in my weight / age group and will be competing in the American Open in December this year.

What I Do.

I’m a Middle School Physical Education Teacher in Menifee, CA. I believe that kids need to learn as many sports and activities as possible during the 6-8th grades so they are more inclined to remain active later in life. Some play sports, but I want to reach the ones that don’t like physical activity and help them find something that inspires them to retain a healthy level of activity.

Where I Live.

While we live in Menifee, we also serve down in San Diego with my wife’s family as often as possible, leading worship, and feeding the poor and needy. We serve at www.cityofrefugesandiego.net.

I want to be a role model to my kids about being selfless and serving others.

Why I Beard.

I beard for many reasons. For a while I had a short beard, but started growing it a bit longer. One day I was going to trim it down and my wife told me she loved it and doesn’t ever want me to shave it or trim it. So I haven’t for over a year and a half. I guess you can say, I beard for my wife.

Photos courtesy of Lincoln Brigham.




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