Eric Berger

Who I Am

My name is Eric Wesley Berger although all my friends and family call me Berg, Berger, Bergzy, or E-boog.

What I Do

I’ve been playing professional baseball in the United States and internationally since 2008. In some Latin countries they call me “el barba,” which is Spanish for the beard. I’m really into antiques and pretty much anything that’s been handcrafted. I thrive on the opportunity to create things that’ll benefit society, and as such I’ve got a knack for invention. As I’m getting older I am very excited to put some of these ideas into motion and see what I am really capable of.

Where I Live

My wife and I live in Santa Monica, California.

Why I Beard

I live by the motto, “I do what I want, so that’s what I do.” I’m only about a year into the beard, and the classic looks that I get from children and adults alike never stops being entertaining. Seriously though, I just want to have an impact on as many people in this world as possible, and the beard definitely helps with that. All it takes is one person to say, “remember that dude’s beard earlier today. That thing was crazy!” and just like that my web has grown. I secretly hope to get casted as an extra to play a cowboy or a viking along the way, which would be awesome!

Connect with Eric on Instagram: @eberger18




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