Michael Bove
Who I Am
In the grand scheme of things, I’m just your average 38-year-old guy. Growing softer around the middle, working to live a happy, healthy, life. Having great intentions and ambitious goals, but rarely making the time to follow through on them all. I’m not a model, so no pretty headshots. Just a father to a beautiful little ginger girl, trying to do whatever I can to allow her to experience life to the fullest.
What I Do
I pay my bills working as a Sales Manager for an engineering company. Outside of work, I’m sort of a jack of all trades, and a master of none. Well, I’m at least decent at some. I love the outdoors. I’m a scuba instructor, surfer, freediver, hiker, rock climber, boat captain, traveler, former interrogator, linguist and soldier, ordained minister, and the list goes on. Some things I do more than others. Just like any of us. The goal is to someday cash in my desk job for something I’m more passionate about. Until then, I’ll continue to do what I do.
Where I Live
I currently live in beautiful, sunny, Huntington Beach, California. Back in 1997, I spent a year and half at a language school in northern California and fell in love with the west coast. I made it a point to make my way out here and haven’t looked back. However, I grew up in New York, so I have an affinity for pizza, bagels, and the Giants, Yankees, Knicks, and Rangers!
Why I Beard
I don’t necessarily beard for any particular reason. I’m fortunate to have the ability to grow a decent beard. I figure that it’s to offset my inability to grow luxurious, radiant, hair on the top of my head, so I just roll with it. I was always the type to grow my beard for a few months, and then to be [completely] shaven for a bit. It wasn’t until I met my girlfriend, Deanna, that I really committed to keeping the facial hair. Be careful what you wish for, Dee!
Growing a beard is a great lesson in commitment. At first it’s uncomfortable, awkward, and more often than not, you’re tempted to lop it off and run. However, if you stick with it, it’s the most rewarding adornment you can carry of your face. I think bearding also subconsciously helps me maintain my sense of adventure: dreaming of living the great adventure stories; Kon-Tiki, Treasure Island, the Call of the Wild, all while sitting at my boring desk.
I view the beard as a great throwback, an homage to masculinity and manliness. Lately, I’ve been thinking that it might be nice to get this beard to the 10-inch minimum required, to donate to a charity like Locks of Love. We’ll see how that plays out.
To connect with Michael and follow his adventures, check out his Instagram page.
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